January 15, 2024

Week 2: My #52WeeksofCrochet Creating a World That Fits Me

I’m Still Crocheting

Did you hear that? I’m still crocheting. Welcome to Week 2 of 52 Weeks of Crochet. I am finding my groove plus ruminations on creating a world that fits me through craft.

I picked up speed after getting through last weeks untangled mess. What I didn’t show you last week was how I kept it from tangling. Where there’s a will there’s a way. My way was taping the ends to PVC pipes (that have artwork rolled up inside — that’s for another project) and then rolling the yarn onto them. Then I took the taped ends to create my double strand and pulled the yarn off the tubes. I am now better at handling the skeins early on. I’m still getting tangles, but nothing resembling this and nothing that a patient five minutes can’t handle. I think my next investment into the fiber arts should be getting a yarn winder so I can avoid tangling skeins and hanks. Untangling wastes so much time.

Yarn wrapped around two gray PVC pipes and an attached ball of yarn on top of a decorative carpet.
The Untangled
A crocheted basket in yellow yarn and a light pink top border. A hand is holding it up to show the size.
Crocheting Progress So Far – You can see the color change!

Creating a World That Fits Me: A Few Things from the Week

This week I came across a recent Therapy for Black Girls podcast episode on sewing. The guest spoke about the intersection of sewing (or craft) and liberation. Much of the message could easily be applied to crochet. It also made me think about practical ways to include sewing in my crochet projects. Or maybe finally making good use of the sewing machine I occasionally breakout and half to relearn how to use each time. I like the idea of having more clothing that reflects my size and my taste and creating the home decor items that fit my taste exactly. I like the idea of creating a world that fits me through craft.

This week I’ve been conscious about carving out time to crochet. I like having a show to watch while I work. This week’s choice has been about 1.5-2 episodes of Star Trek: Picard, which equals about two hours of crochet every night. I’ve made so much progress this way and it’s been a good way to wind down. After my evening activities, dinner, and any other chores I need to do, I’ll sit down by 8:00 or 9:00 PM and I’ll work until it’s time for bed. I’ve noticed that despite still having a screen (my laptop), I spend less time on my phone and by not being in my bedroom, I’m not desensitized to my bed being a place for sleep. I’m already looking forward this ritual and I’ve only been doing it about a week.

So there you have it! My second week of crochet complete. I’m over half-way through the project. I can’t wait to tell you about what I’ve learned along the way and share the finished object.

An Aside

After so many years with housemates, I’ve gotten in the habit of spending a lot of time in my bedroom when I needed alone or “winding down” time. I’m finally in a home with multiple rooms that can be assigned different purposes and I find that my habit is still to relax in my bed. I’m trying to break that habit and key to my success so far has been making my living area a cozy place to be. The recent addition of a new blanket and rug have helped a lot. The next step is a second table lamp and to put up art. Maybe I’ll share my space when it’s complete.

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